The Oral Histories of Thomas Mitchell (1913-1990) -- Featured in Thousand Island Life, these recordings from the 1980s are from a collection of almost 6 hours. Currently available on the site: Bootleggin’, Tragedy at Waterson’s Point, Building the T.I. Bridge, and Filling the Ice House.
Thousand Island Park -- Including Home Movie Footage from the early 1950s and an eyewitness account of the Columbian Hotel Fire in 1912 as told by Grant Mitchell, who was 12 the day of the fire.
Wind Water Waves -- 9 Short Stories by Tom French reflecting on various relationships with the River.
Silver Medal Winner for Best Regional Non-Fiction in the Northeast!
Experience Victorian Life along the River Circa 1870-1890 in 3-D.
Summer Sale! Only $29.95. Hardcover, Including Shipping, (Orig. $45).
River Movies -- Independent River Films by Tom French
Harry Chalk and the “That’s Her” -- Vintage Footage of Captain Harry Chalk taking a load of Murray Islanders over to Murray Isle circa 1970s.
And Be Sure to Check Out:
© Copyright 2014 Tom French